Thursday, October 25, 2007

Dark Romanticism

1. The three authors would not believe in transcendental philosopy because transcendentalists believed that everyone was pure and good. The authors had many bad things to happen to them in their life and they've also have seen many horrible things happen to other people and that would make them thinkthat no one is pure and up to no good. for example Nanthaniel Hawthorne's great grandfather was a judge in the salem witchcraft trials and was the cause many cruel deaths and that makes Nanthaniel think that there was evil in the world. That idea affected his anti romanticism.

Herman Melville witnessed cannanbalism when he saw this he thought it was a bad thing because of the evil he saw.

2. I think i am most like an dark romantic because the dark romantists believed that not everyone was good and that people did some terrible things and had evil in them. Not everyone was considered good to the romantics the mind could snap at any time a causing you to do something out of the ordinary. I dont believe that everyone is good and pure like the transcendentalists believe.

3. The story "The black cat" was a really great story that told about a man who is married and him and his wife loves animals. The Narrator is quick tempered and get frustrated at his cat at some point of time when he just dosen't feel like being bothered. because the narrator has such a bad temper he ends up killing his first cat and his wife.

The Dark romantics would disagree with the transcendentalists because the transcendentalists believed that everyones intuition was pure and that god spoke to everyone causing them to do his will. that is not so with the dark romantists: they believed that god didin't speak to you through you and not everyone was good and pure and the mind could snap at anytime to do evil. in the story the narrator's intuition told him to do evil as in to kill his cat and wife.

5. Poe's wife was dying an it was dark and late very freightening for poe Edgar Allen poe because it was very late at night and heard someone outside his chamber door "sir said i, or maiden truly your forgiveness i implore; but the fact is i was napping and so gently you came rapping, and so gently you came rapping and so faintly you came tapping, tapping at my chamber door." it was nothing but a raven that that was not going to leave any time soon, the raven represents death because of the fact that his wife has died.

The transcendentalists believed that everything was good and pure and everything that was done was done through the speaking of god and that no one did any evil. The narrator in the story calls the raven a "thing of evil" and the Transcendentalists believed that there was no evil. "And my soul from out the shadow that lies floating on the floor shall be lifted -nevermore!" the Anti transcendentalists believed that your soal could be damned forever which is what the dark romantists believed. The transcencdentalists believed that you turned to the over soul no matter what.

6. After edgar allen poe's mother died and his father disowned him he was adopted. when he was 18 years old he enlisted into the armed forces under name "edgar a. perry" and claimed he was 22 years old when he was only 18 years old he first served at fort independence in boston harbor that same year he released his first book, a 40-page collection of poetry called "by a Bostonian"

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

"Thank you" communities in school

I am very thankful for Communities in Schools for making it possible for me to continue with my education. Since I’ve been at Classic City High School in Athens, Georgia, my life has not been the same as it used to be; Classic City has made a difference in my life by getting me back on track with the programs they have. I was thinking about dropping out of high school because I was trying to balance out school and work. Since becoming a student at Classic City High School, I have become a model student since being around positive people with positive attitudes and a faculty that has helped guide me so that I may succeed.
I think it’s a great school that communities in school has put together for students who are struggling in regular school, who may be about to drop out, or who just need guidance through high school so that they may be successful after completing high school.
Communities in Schools is a different type of school compared to traditional public schools, and that has helped me a whole lot. When I was attending a traditional school in Charlotte, North Carolina, the class sizes ranged from 20 to 25 students per classroom, and that was really hard for me because the teacher wasn’t able to come over and help me every time I needed help. There were so many other students in the classroom that were asking questions and who needed help that the teacher wasn’t always able to come to answer every question that I needed to ask. At Classic City High School the classes are smaller; therefore, the teachers are able to work with the students one- on- one, and the students can get the information that they need to be successful in the lessons that they are taking.
Classic City High School is a self-paced school; I go at the pace that I am able to perform my assignments. If I am not ready to move on with a lesson because I’m having a difficult time understanding it, I can take my time and get help from my teacher before taking the test. While I was attending a traditional high school the whole class moved at the same pace, whether i work at a fast pace or I worked slow, when its time to take the test I had to take it whether I knew the material or not. Taking the test at the end of the week and not really understanding the material was not good for me because some of the lessons that were taught took me a while to understand.
While being at Classic City High School, Communities in schools has helped me decide what I want to do when I graduate from high school by preparing me for college and the work field by allowing us to do Service learning projects. Service learning allows us to perform work in the environment that may help us in the future and also decide what we want to be when we grow up. Since I’ve been doing service learning projects I learned a lot and also made up my mind what field of study I want to go into after high school.
I am very grateful to Communities in school for what they’ve done to help me accomplish my goals and allowing me to be able to continue with my education.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007


1. The passage "nature" was talking about transcending. seeing things in a different way than they really are. The passage "From Nature" is talking about how god speakes through everyone and he dosen't say the same thing to different people, he speaks through your instincts. Going into society you are not able to let your mind wonder and go free as you would alone, by yourself while your in a quiet place.

The story "Nature" mainly speaks the beauty of nature and the many things you have to see in nature through superficial eyes. "few adult persons can see nature. most persons dont see the sun. at least they have very superficial seeing". Transcendentalism relates to this story because in the story they speak about god speaking to them through nature and through their in instincts.

2. The story "Self realiance" talks about trusting yourself and also believing in yourself as the people before has accomplished great things like benjamen franklin and others. "god will not have his work manifest by cowards" is saying that if your not willing or scared to do what god wants you to do he won't ask of you to do his work.

"A man is relieved and gay when he has put his heart into his work and done his best". when a man has put forth a good effort in whatever he's trying to accomplish he's very happy because of the hard work he's accomplished. The transcendentalist believed that god speaks to them through their hard work an thats what self reliance was reall about.

3. Cival Disobedience mainly speaks about American government and how most of the laws are unjust. Thoreau believed thet moral sense was very important; being able to use your instincts and your own natural ability to do things. Thoreau believed that too much respect for the law could lead people to do many unjust things by not being able to do what they feel they should do. they believed that they should do what god wanted them to do and not what everything the government wanted

4. Each of the pieces of writings are a good example of transcendentalism because they talk about seeing things more than what they really are in "Nature" they talk about how god speaks to everyone but he dosen't say the same thing; he speaks something different to everyone. In the second passage speacks about

scenario writing 2. If i was chris i would practice law; get a job in a law firm and go to school at the same so that if he's going to school to get his teaching certificate he can have money to also help his wife and als pay for his own schooling. That would allow him to make money in a field that he dont like for a short time but going to school to take up something that he might be doing for a long time. in the scenario chris wants to pursue an education in teaching the transcendentalists believed that you should listen to your instincts and do what god tells you.