Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Puritans project

1. Religion was the most important thing in the Puritans' society. Their spiritual beliefs were very strong. Their beliefs were showed in their community laws, customs and how they acted. Each church congregation was responsible to God as an individual. They had a very harsh interpretation of scriptures; they believed in constantly working together to do good in this life to be chosen for the next eternal life.

The Puritans believed that when they are born, God has already chosen who would be in heaven or who would go to hell. Each Puritan had no idea which group they were in.They believed that those who were wealthy were in good standings with God. The Puritans believed that the devil was behind every evil deed. They had to keep constant watch in order to stay away from the devil's clutches.

2. Some of the puritans' belief i agree with and some of them i dont. For example in " Sinners in the Hands of an angry God," Johnathan Edwards says, " God is the least bound by any promise to hold [ Sinners] them up one mement." i do not agree with this because i think that god is a merciful and forgiving God. I dont think that because you make one mistake in life that you are automatically going to hell, and that "The devil is waiting for them"

The puritans believed that they were born sinners because of adam and eve. they believed that because adam and eve ate from the tree that they weren't suppose to that's how sin came into the world and that everyone is born a sinner. The puritans stole the indians tools away from them thats when they made a treaty with the indians. The treaty was mainly about a promise that both sides had to keep so that the puritans and indians could get along.

The puritans believed differently than most people do today. they believed that they were only a moment away from going to hell and that they should bo glad that they didn't die and go to hell last night. "You hang by a slender thread with the flames of divine wrath flashing about it... ready every moment to singe it." I dont agree with this because not every one is going to hell. God is a forgiving god and he shows lots of mercy.

I think the way the puritans lived was a fairly good one because of their religion they were set apart from the rest of the world. They were set apart from the world by not doing the the things that sinners do. The children were taught to read the bible daily to purufy themselves and their parents also made them practice perfect social living.

The puritans were also very smart people they studied, read daily, and cited poetry. tthe parents made sure that there children studied and went to school the parents also taught the children themselves. athe puritans had great knowledge that they were the first to write books for children. The puritans is a people whom i would say did for themselves and for there famililies as well as there community.

3. total depravity = "everyone was born a sinner because adam and eve disobeyed god"
unconditonal election= "God had already chosen who would be in heaven or hell, and each believer had no way of knowing which group they were in".


Anonymous said...

There is no evidence in this post of the reading you were supposed to complete. You should reread the directions and made the necessary ajustments to this post.

Leave me another comment when you are through.

Anthony FLOWE said...

im done with puritan project

Anonymous said...

This looks much better. Thank you for the extra attention you put toward this assignment.