Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Rationalists project

1. The puritans believed strongly in god. they believed he was the creator of all and that he was the reason we had most of the things that we do. they believed that when most bad things happen god allows them to happen for a reason.the puritans believed that god created the world and man did everything else to build the earth.

3. benjamen franklin made a chart of the days of the week and the goals he wanted to accomplish to becoming a perfect man. "I made a book in which i allotted a page for each of the virtues". He wanted to become perfect by doing a chart in helping him do that. The puritans wpould pray to go to help them become perfect instead of doing it through science.

4. Role model- be a good example to kids kids younger than me.

Kind hearted- be nice and kind towards others

Thankful- appreciate the things that i already have.

Grateful- be grateful for the good things that has happened in my life.

Honesty- be true to myself and to others.

Respect- respect others as well as myself

Open minded- willing to recieve information and learn more.

Cleanliness- keep my body clean as well as my room

Obedient- do what im told to do by my parents and elders

Thoughtful- always thinking of others besides of myself

Neat- always being presentable and clean

prideful- dont let anyone get me down and tell me i cant do a certain thing.

self-motivated- always motivate and lift myself up through bad times

i think i could reach moral perfection this way by doing the things i have set for myself to do to be perfect. i believe if i try i can accomplish all of my goals and overcome every obstacle that set before me.

5. the Rationalist thought that if the present king who was called by god didnt do a good job they could get rid of him and find their own governor "it is their duty to throw off such government, and to provide new gaurds for their future society.
the rationalists wanted to get rid of the king because he wouldnt let anyone be else be elected "He has for a long time after such dissolutions to cause others to be elected.
the rationalists believed that the powers of the state was different the laws of the nation "powers of the earth the seperate and equal station to which the laws of nature and of natures god entile them.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Looks pretty good. You are ready to move on.