1. Rip van wrinkle was a man who everyone in the town knew. he helped the people in the town by running errrands and doing odd jobs for them. Rip van wrinkle slept for twenty years many cartoons portraying the real Rip van wrinkle have said that rip van wrinkle slept for thirty to forty years.
After rip van wrinkle slept for twenty years he went back to the town where he once lived everyone stared at him as if he was some street bum because they've never seen anyone dress the way he was dressed; rags, long beard, and probably smelled bad. the towns people had never seen anyone like him and therefore he didn't look familiar to them. Rip van wrinkle wondered why no one recognized him and why he didnt recognize any of them the reason was because every one had either died after rip van wrinkle left or had gotten very old.
2. The story of Rip van wrinkle was romantic because it says that rip van wrinkle slept for twenty years and woke up and went to the village where he once lived
the way the describes the scene at the top of the mountains when rip van wrinkle was hunting. the little men and the way they dressed
3. The poem Thanatopsis is talking about nature and the beauty of it; how it speaks to you with its beautiness. when the person in the poem is happy nature looks very beautiful and it says so many things with its beauty. When the person in the poem id sad nature dosen't say the same thing as it does when your happy. Ramanticism shows up in the poem when it talkes about haw nature speaks to you.
4. In the poem someone is describing many things that he or she is seeing while a spiders spinning it's web. The images that standout are when the character describes things that he see and gives descriptive details about them. A good example of ramantcism is when "human spiders spin and spin".
5. This painting could be considered romanticism because you probably won't see anything like that in the real world. it's very beautiful and it's something that you would only imagine seeing.

The reason i chose this picture is because the man in the picture is suppose to be the "god of fog" and thats a good Example of Romanticism.
1 comment:
Your sections 2-5 all need some work. You should start by rereading the directions to make sure you are providing everything I am asking for.
You should also explain why something is Romantic instead of just saying it is. You need some direct evidence here too.
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