1. The topic that i choose that I'm interested in studying is Dissillusionment because Dissillusionment defines freeing oneself, getting away from an illusion. i hope to read a story about smomeone who is trying to get out of a situation or an illusion. ideas in one's head that has no meaning or cause and defines nothings.
3.The story that i read was "Solidiers home" in the story the man has just came home from the Army fighting war. the mans mother and father tries to get him to be interactive and outgoing and not let the illusions of the war get to him. The Army taught Krebs that it was alright to pose as though you wanted one. but Krebs thought differently "You did not need a girl unless you thought about them"thought krebs.
Krebs came from the Army and was ready to settle down many of the guys in his town were looking for a girl because so many of them were single because they didn't have a large selection of young men to choose from seeing that they were fighting the war. Krebs felt depressed alot his mother had a tough time trying to get Krebs to hang out and be more social and to try to date one of the french girls.
The story that i read "Soldiers home" corresponds with dissillusionment because Dissillusionment is trying to get yourself away from a situation it's sometimes mental idea's that that have no meaning that you're trying to escape. The soldiers home talks about a a man named Krebs are trying to get way from Dissillusionment "He thinks you have lost your ambition, that you haven't got a definite aim in life" is how everyone thought Krebs viewed life.
The poem "Richard corey" is about a man who is rich and who people admirers because of the dress, his talk and his apperence altogether. deap down inside Richard corey was not as happy as people viewed him. the poem is dissillusionment because Richard corey was not as happy as every viewed him.
Mending wall is two neighbors who have a dissagreement about why or why shouldn't a fence go up to seperate the two neighhbors. one of the neighbors think that "fences make good neighbors" becuse it keeps the peace and them more seperated. this poem is an example of Dissillusionment because it involves a neighbor who is trying to free himself from tyhe other by building a fence.
In the poem "Dream deferred" its asking what happens to a dream that has been lost or damaged. this poem is probably speaking about the time in slavery when many slaves had dreams but couldn't fullfil those dreams because of the persacution they going thru.
in the poem "The Negro Speaks of Rivers" he speaks of his Ancestors of how it was them that built the pyramids, and bathed in the Euphrates river. in the poem he says "I heard the singing of the mississippi when Abe Lincoln went down to NewOrleans" he was talking about his people during Slavery and what they as slaves have built with there hands and thought with there minds.
in the poem "incident" the Author says when he was in Baltimore and was very happy at the time someone called him a Nigger he was very hurt by this emotionally because of the name calling that he endured. this is an good example of dissillusionment which in the poem the little boy tries to avoid things that have no such meaning and thats no use to get him down.
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Monday, November 19, 2007
Why i think George Bush should be impeached

When President George W. Bush first began to run for president against senator Al Gore in the year of 2000 I thought he was going to be very good President probably another Bill Clinton. I was very wrong to think such a thing seeing now that his presidency hasn’t been good at all. He has done many things that has left the American people wanting a new President by impeaching Bush and I am one of them that supports the impeachment of president George W. Bush.
America was hit with a terrorist attack on September 11, 2001 a very devastating event that Americans will always remember. After the attack president George Bush suspected that Osama Bin Laden and the Taliban coalition attacked us so he sent our troops to Afghanistan to hunt for him. After no luck finding him, President Bush soon began to focus his attention on Iraq, telling the American people there was no democracy and that the Iraqi people were mistreated. President Bush also accused Iraq of having weapons of mass destruction, allowing the U.S Defense intelligence agency to file a report that Iraq had been actively acquiring chemical weapons capacities. During the invasion on Iraq we caught Saddam Hussein but did not find weapons of mass destruction; soon the President announced that there were no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. I began to think he had lied to the American people just to send our troops to fight.
During America’s war with Iraq there were many reports from the military that said those who were sent to fight in the war were not given proper equipment and hardly got any training. Troops were reporting that they needed more and newer equipment to continue fighting in the war over in Iraq. One report I read also said that troops were not going through the full training that they are supposed to go through to even be ready for battle. The military was shortening the training so that they could hurry up and get troops over to Iraq and fight. The president soon made a speech that the man and women in the armed forces would soon get the proper gear and training that they’ll need to fight this war in Iraq. I think from the start that our troops should been given the proper materials to win the war in Iraq; risking their lives to fight for our freedom and country they should have been given everything necessary to win the war from the start.
President Bush should also be impeached because he tapped the lines of phones, emails, and other communication devices without getting permission from congress. When Americans heard this they were furious and upset that they were being spied upon without their permission or even being notified about such tapping. The American people felt that that the president violated their privacy rights tapping in on conversations and E-mails. The American people wanted President Bush impeached because, according to Russ Feingold a senator from Wisconsin, “the President violated the law, ignored the Constitution and the other two branches of government, and disregarded the rights and freedoms upon which our country was founded”. The president violated the trust of the American people and has broken the law and should be punished to the fullest extent of the law.
The president should be impeached for many reasons but most of all for not being the leader Americans thought he would be and hiding the truth from the American people. The president has led us to war and has yet to bring us out as the number of American deaths in Iraq are climbing daily and there seems to be no end to what the president has put the American people through
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
1. A. In the "A story of an hour" the woman in the story Mrs. mallard finds out that her husband has died she feels so free "free body and soul free" she wispered. she felt so free that she wouldn't have any one live live for but for herself. Mrs. mallard describes the inner feeling, the joy she feels when she hears this somewhat disturbing news; she is over welmed and also faces the fact that she'll be alone from now on
1. B. One of the social issues that Choplin wants to solve is that the female has to basically listen to everything that the husband says and that you have to be submisive to each other. Mrs. Mallard was very happy when she heard that her husband had died because she would no longer feel as though she was in bondage but free now that she didnt have to be commited to anyone.
2. A. "The Battle with Mr. covey" is a story about a man who wants to live free and no longer in bondage or slavery. Frederick douglass was working in the wheat fields and because of the harsh conditions that the slaves worked in, no matter the condition. douglass fell very weak from working to hard and being in the heat to long. This story uses realism in many ways by describing the many things that the slave endured by his slave master.
I broke down, my strength failed me; I was seized with a violent aching of the head, attended with extreme dizziness; I trembled in every limb. it's telling and describing how he felt being tormented by slavery by working over his limits and a little too much that his body counldn't take the condition the .
In the story "the battle with Mr. Covey" i think that the Author was trying to let the reader visualize how bad slavery was and the horrrible conditions that the slaves had to deal with. the author shows realism in the story by telling in depth of the way the slave in the story was treated.
3. An example of modernism is a movie that i watched called Juice. Juice is about teens in New York that are living a street and gangsta life. The teens in the Movie live in the projects and live a very hard life growing up from poor backgrounds. the author uses realism in the story by showing what kind of live the guys in newyork had to live and the violence that goes on in the teens life is a everyday thing. In the movie the teens rob a store and it goes wrong andthey plan to kill all those that had been witnesses of the robbery. what happened in the movie goes on in the real world at times especially in New York, where the movie was played.
1. B. One of the social issues that Choplin wants to solve is that the female has to basically listen to everything that the husband says and that you have to be submisive to each other. Mrs. Mallard was very happy when she heard that her husband had died because she would no longer feel as though she was in bondage but free now that she didnt have to be commited to anyone.
2. A. "The Battle with Mr. covey" is a story about a man who wants to live free and no longer in bondage or slavery. Frederick douglass was working in the wheat fields and because of the harsh conditions that the slaves worked in, no matter the condition. douglass fell very weak from working to hard and being in the heat to long. This story uses realism in many ways by describing the many things that the slave endured by his slave master.
I broke down, my strength failed me; I was seized with a violent aching of the head, attended with extreme dizziness; I trembled in every limb. it's telling and describing how he felt being tormented by slavery by working over his limits and a little too much that his body counldn't take the condition the .
In the story "the battle with Mr. Covey" i think that the Author was trying to let the reader visualize how bad slavery was and the horrrible conditions that the slaves had to deal with. the author shows realism in the story by telling in depth of the way the slave in the story was treated.
3. An example of modernism is a movie that i watched called Juice. Juice is about teens in New York that are living a street and gangsta life. The teens in the Movie live in the projects and live a very hard life growing up from poor backgrounds. the author uses realism in the story by showing what kind of live the guys in newyork had to live and the violence that goes on in the teens life is a everyday thing. In the movie the teens rob a store and it goes wrong andthey plan to kill all those that had been witnesses of the robbery. what happened in the movie goes on in the real world at times especially in New York, where the movie was played.
Monday, November 12, 2007
I've learned my lesson, y'all.
After watching the Atlanta Falcons dominate my Carolina Panthers on Sunday, I am finally ready to admit they are the better team. When I looked up at the scoreboard and saw that 20-13 staring at me, I had no choice it was time to face the truth.
Man, I wish Alge Crumpler played for the Panthers!
Maybe if they didn't wear girly powder blue, the Panthers may even intimidate the other team a little instead of letting the officials decide the game like the one in Atlanta earlier this season.
I think the real lesson here is that I should listen to Mr. Siegmund when it comes to football matters since he told me all along the Panthers were pretenders. I am going to go ahead and say it -- you heard it here, folks -- The Falcons are going to take out the Buccaneers this week on their way to a NFC South Championship. GO DIRTY BIRDS!!!
Maybe Mr. Siegmund will let me keep this hat since I'm tired of looking like a member of The Backstreet Boys wearing that baby blue one. . .

Man, I wish Alge Crumpler played for the Panthers!
Maybe if they didn't wear girly powder blue, the Panthers may even intimidate the other team a little instead of letting the officials decide the game like the one in Atlanta earlier this season.

Maybe Mr. Siegmund will let me keep this hat since I'm tired of looking like a member of The Backstreet Boys wearing that baby blue one. . .
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