Thursday, November 29, 2007


1. The topic that i choose that I'm interested in studying is Dissillusionment because Dissillusionment defines freeing oneself, getting away from an illusion. i hope to read a story about smomeone who is trying to get out of a situation or an illusion. ideas in one's head that has no meaning or cause and defines nothings.

3.The story that i read was "Solidiers home" in the story the man has just came home from the Army fighting war. the mans mother and father tries to get him to be interactive and outgoing and not let the illusions of the war get to him. The Army taught Krebs that it was alright to pose as though you wanted one. but Krebs thought differently "You did not need a girl unless you thought about them"thought krebs.

Krebs came from the Army and was ready to settle down many of the guys in his town were looking for a girl because so many of them were single because they didn't have a large selection of young men to choose from seeing that they were fighting the war. Krebs felt depressed alot his mother had a tough time trying to get Krebs to hang out and be more social and to try to date one of the french girls.

The story that i read "Soldiers home" corresponds with dissillusionment because Dissillusionment is trying to get yourself away from a situation it's sometimes mental idea's that that have no meaning that you're trying to escape. The soldiers home talks about a a man named Krebs are trying to get way from Dissillusionment "He thinks you have lost your ambition, that you haven't got a definite aim in life" is how everyone thought Krebs viewed life.

The poem "Richard corey" is about a man who is rich and who people admirers because of the dress, his talk and his apperence altogether. deap down inside Richard corey was not as happy as people viewed him. the poem is dissillusionment because Richard corey was not as happy as every viewed him.

Mending wall is two neighbors who have a dissagreement about why or why shouldn't a fence go up to seperate the two neighhbors. one of the neighbors think that "fences make good neighbors" becuse it keeps the peace and them more seperated. this poem is an example of Dissillusionment because it involves a neighbor who is trying to free himself from tyhe other by building a fence.

In the poem "Dream deferred" its asking what happens to a dream that has been lost or damaged. this poem is probably speaking about the time in slavery when many slaves had dreams but couldn't fullfil those dreams because of the persacution they going thru.

in the poem "The Negro Speaks of Rivers" he speaks of his Ancestors of how it was them that built the pyramids, and bathed in the Euphrates river. in the poem he says "I heard the singing of the mississippi when Abe Lincoln went down to NewOrleans" he was talking about his people during Slavery and what they as slaves have built with there hands and thought with there minds.

in the poem "incident" the Author says when he was in Baltimore and was very happy at the time someone called him a Nigger he was very hurt by this emotionally because of the name calling that he endured. this is an good example of dissillusionment which in the poem the little boy tries to avoid things that have no such meaning and thats no use to get him down.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Not bad here. I think a little more proofreading and direct evidence could help you out here.