When President George W. Bush first began to run for president against senator Al Gore in the year of 2000 I thought he was going to be very good President probably another Bill Clinton. I was very wrong to think such a thing seeing now that his presidency hasn’t been good at all. He has done many things that has left the American people wanting a new President by impeaching Bush and I am one of them that supports the impeachment of president George W. Bush.
America was hit with a terrorist attack on September 11, 2001 a very devastating event that Americans will always remember. After the attack president George Bush suspected that Osama Bin Laden and the Taliban coalition attacked us so he sent our troops to Afghanistan to hunt for him. After no luck finding him, President Bush soon began to focus his attention on Iraq, telling the American people there was no democracy and that the Iraqi people were mistreated. President Bush also accused Iraq of having weapons of mass destruction, allowing the U.S Defense intelligence agency to file a report that Iraq had been actively acquiring chemical weapons capacities. During the invasion on Iraq we caught Saddam Hussein but did not find weapons of mass destruction; soon the President announced that there were no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. I began to think he had lied to the American people just to send our troops to fight.
During America’s war with Iraq there were many reports from the military that said those who were sent to fight in the war were not given proper equipment and hardly got any training. Troops were reporting that they needed more and newer equipment to continue fighting in the war over in Iraq. One report I read also said that troops were not going through the full training that they are supposed to go through to even be ready for battle. The military was shortening the training so that they could hurry up and get troops over to Iraq and fight. The president soon made a speech that the man and women in the armed forces would soon get the proper gear and training that they’ll need to fight this war in Iraq. I think from the start that our troops should been given the proper materials to win the war in Iraq; risking their lives to fight for our freedom and country they should have been given everything necessary to win the war from the start.
President Bush should also be impeached because he tapped the lines of phones, emails, and other communication devices without getting permission from congress. When Americans heard this they were furious and upset that they were being spied upon without their permission or even being notified about such tapping. The American people felt that that the president violated their privacy rights tapping in on conversations and E-mails. The American people wanted President Bush impeached because, according to Russ Feingold a senator from Wisconsin, “the President violated the law, ignored the Constitution and the other two branches of government, and disregarded the rights and freedoms upon which our country was founded”. The president violated the trust of the American people and has broken the law and should be punished to the fullest extent of the law.
The president should be impeached for many reasons but most of all for not being the leader Americans thought he would be and hiding the truth from the American people. The president has led us to war and has yet to bring us out as the number of American deaths in Iraq are climbing daily and there seems to be no end to what the president has put the American people through
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