Wednesday, November 14, 2007


1. A. In the "A story of an hour" the woman in the story Mrs. mallard finds out that her husband has died she feels so free "free body and soul free" she wispered. she felt so free that she wouldn't have any one live live for but for herself. Mrs. mallard describes the inner feeling, the joy she feels when she hears this somewhat disturbing news; she is over welmed and also faces the fact that she'll be alone from now on

1. B. One of the social issues that Choplin wants to solve is that the female has to basically listen to everything that the husband says and that you have to be submisive to each other. Mrs. Mallard was very happy when she heard that her husband had died because she would no longer feel as though she was in bondage but free now that she didnt have to be commited to anyone.

2. A. "The Battle with Mr. covey" is a story about a man who wants to live free and no longer in bondage or slavery. Frederick douglass was working in the wheat fields and because of the harsh conditions that the slaves worked in, no matter the condition. douglass fell very weak from working to hard and being in the heat to long. This story uses realism in many ways by describing the many things that the slave endured by his slave master.

I broke down, my strength failed me; I was seized with a violent aching of the head, attended with extreme dizziness; I trembled in every limb. it's telling and describing how he felt being tormented by slavery by working over his limits and a little too much that his body counldn't take the condition the .

In the story "the battle with Mr. Covey" i think that the Author was trying to let the reader visualize how bad slavery was and the horrrible conditions that the slaves had to deal with. the author shows realism in the story by telling in depth of the way the slave in the story was treated.

3. An example of modernism is a movie that i watched called Juice. Juice is about teens in New York that are living a street and gangsta life. The teens in the Movie live in the projects and live a very hard life growing up from poor backgrounds. the author uses realism in the story by showing what kind of live the guys in newyork had to live and the violence that goes on in the teens life is a everyday thing. In the movie the teens rob a store and it goes wrong andthey plan to kill all those that had been witnesses of the robbery. what happened in the movie goes on in the real world at times especially in New York, where the movie was played.

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