Monday, January 14, 2008

The legend of Beowolf

1. The author of Beowulf wrote a great story about a king who was having trouble killing a ravenous beast that no one, mighty or great or of great strength could subdue him because of his mighty strength. Many men tried to fight this beast, even those who many claimed were the strongest in all the earth. grendal was this big, great giant who was eating and terrorizing the people and no one had any success winning the battle to kill him.
The author of "beowulf" made the character beowulf seem like such a hero in the story, beowulf is a character who is said to have been "the stongest of men alive in that day." when beowulf hears about what is going on in the town where grendal is in the hall fighting and killing the solidiers. beowulf gathers his army to take along with him because for some reason he knew that it would be a tough journey ahead of him but beowulf was very confident in his ability to defeat grendal the giant. beowulf inherited his strength from his ancestors that were before him; they were also very strong.

2. The Anglo-saxons did alot of fighting and feauding. The centerpiece of the Anglo-saxon culture was their warrior tradition, warriors who were heros and fought for a good cause to save sombody or something. Beowulf was considered a warrior because the slew the giant, Grendal. "Grendal, the foe of god who had long troubled the spirits of men with his crimes, found that his body could not stand against the hand grip of that warrior beowulf.
Another thing that was apart of the Anglo-saxons culture is loyalty to the king. " The giver of treasure, Hrothgar, gray haired and brave in battle." Hrothgar was very strong as well he was ruler over the danes. the danes were very loyal to their king they wrote poetry and played music for him.
The Anglo-saxons were christians but many of the things that they did didnt symbolize christianity. many of the Anglo-saxons started praying to the devil when things got hard and trying times approached them. when grendal attacked the hall for twelve long years the danes didn't know what to do in the story it says that "Hrothgar was broken;council after council proposedwhat to do against the attacks.They even went to heathen temples,worshipped idols, and calledto the Devil for help.The Danes forgot God."
3. the hero that Beowulf compares to of to days culture is hercules. the reason why i say hercules is because hercules was a brave warrior and he went just like beowulf did to defeats an evil beast. hercules was considered a powerful and strong warrior just like beowulf. beowulf went to to fight grendal with confidence, not knowing if he'll lose or win but was confident that he'll win because of the many battles he's fightin before. "The wise men among my people advised that I seek youbecause they know my strength--they saw me come from battlesstained in the blood of my enemies, when I destroyed a family of giants, when I endured pain all night, killing water monsters, grinding them to bits, to avenge for the Geats".
4. I felt very sadened about Beowulfs death because Beowulf was a good warrior the strongest in that time battleing many giants and sea creatures. Beowulf died a hero fighting to save the people of "beowulf". When Beowulf killed grendals mom i think that was a significant event in the danes culture; battleing and defeating gevil beasts

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Not bad here. You can add a little to your score if you add some more material to #4.

Leave me another comment should you decide to do this.