Thursday, April 17, 2008


While reading “A farewell to arms “ I am very pleased with what I have read so far I have just read chapters one thru eight and am very surprised at how the author put this piece of literature together he describes italy and switzwerland as if he's there in the setting. The Author describes every bit of detail the weather, the land and the environment that he's visioning and writing about.
So far in the story the narrator, lieutenant Henry describes the small Italian village in which he lives. In the first eight chapters of the book, it is at the start of winter and a cholera epidemic has killed the army of about seven thousand soldiers; which began in the summer of world war I. the main character
Henry moves to Gorizia until he thinks that the fighting has calmed down a little bit. When Henry returns he speaks with his roommate Rinaldi. Rinaldi tells him about a girl that he has met at an hospital who was a nurse named Catherine Barkley. In these these first chapters that I’ve read the author has such an interesting way of writing and adding war and love together by relating it to how it really is in real life.
In chapters four and five Henry tries to get acquainted with the nurse ms. Barkley by going to visit her at the hospital. when henry tell Catherine that he loves her she tells him not to say that because she dosent really want to love anyone because she once loved her fiance and all of a sudden he died


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Anonymous said...

You should read the book. It is much better than the Sparknotes.